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Species: Zealan god
Ultima VIII

Remvatos, the Observer is the son on Apathas, the Zealan God on Balance, but he only appears to narrate some parts of the Ultima VIII Clue Book.


Remvatos, said to be the son of Apathas, somehow fell into a magical slumber after the fall of the Zealan Gods and only awakened with the arrival of the Avatar. Remvatos went on to help the Avatar in the pages of Pentology, revealing certain background information, which otherwise was unavailable, such as that Pagan would be doomed if cut from sunlight too long, as life already was declining constantly due to lack of it.

Remvatos seems connected to the planet itself, as he revealed that only with the death of all life on Pagan would he find his own release from existence.


How you have summoned me from my slumber I cannot guess. The method must have been unusual in its power, and unique in the casting. I am awakened, and for that I am grateful. It is not my true nature to remain oblivious to the flow of time; the currents of eternity are as lifeblood coursing through my being. My purpose is awareness - it is my existence. Since the coming of the Titans my eyes have been shrouded and dim. I once marked and exulted in every event which occurred on this isle, from the sharp spark of a blade of grass plucked by grazing toraxen to the harmonic thrum of the ever-growing caverns. I saw all until the currents of time banished my lord Apathas from his true position. I am his son, Remvatos, whom the people call The Observer.