Forum:Ultima Underworld Story Q

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Forums: Index > Codex Discussion > Ultima Underworld Story Q

In the description for UW1/Tyball/Arial, it is said that she was to be sacrificed to the Slasher and/or to open the Chamber of Virtue to release him. However, in the game he mentions he wanted the Slasher to possess her - more than likely to have a physical vessel for which he could take over the physical plane/Britannia. I could be mistaken but wanted to make note of it here, in case.

Hmm... I honestly can't remember. Haven't played UU1 in years. From the transcript I see: "It is good to meet thee again. It is regrettable that our acquiantance must be such a short one." "Oh, I'm afraid that that is quite impossible. I need the body of an innocent one to act as a vessel, and I am afraid that thine wilt not do. Besides, after all the trouble I went to, it would be a pity to let her go now, dost thou not think?" "Oh, thou dost wonder why I abducted poor Arial? Perhaps I should spare thee so that thou canst see my incantation. The sight of a demon entering the body of a human is not one to be missed."
Based upon that information, I'd tend to agree with you. Sounds like the article needs to be fixed. Feel free to update it accordingly. Dungy 19:29, 5 October 2011 (PDT)
Also, feel free to create a username. I like seeing new users who aren't spambots. :P Dungy 19:31, 5 October 2011 (PDT)

Backstory is found in the official Origin cluebook. Since the game itself doesn't explain it, this is what we should follow.--Tribun 23:20, 5 October 2011 (PDT)