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Forums: Index > Research > Transcripts

I've been trying to do a clean-up of some of the Ultima transcripts available, namely Savage Empire, which does not exist AFAIK, Ultima VII, which as far as dialogue goes actually seems complete, Serpent Isle and Ultima IX.

So far I've finished compiling the missing books and scrolls from U7, and I'm nearly done with the plaques and signs.

Serpent Isle, will take a long time because there are quite a few interjections from other characters whitin dialogue and many indiidual triggers as well. There is also the problem that there are few pices of unused dialogue and remnants from The Black Gate. I've already noticed that some books and scrolls from Underworld Dragon's transcript might be incomplete, but I need to do a play through to be sure.

Ultima IX is a mess, and I suspect it must be done in combination with a playthrough...

However, I don't have a convenient place to post the work I've already done, so I would like to know if there is anyone willing to host what is done, and or if we should consider starting to post the transcripts to the codex itself, and if that is the case how should we do it? Artic Blaze Dragon 10:43, 9 December 2010 (PST)

I would say just post them here. I would love to see a complete transcript for every Ultima game edited so it looks nice in the wiki. We could then reference every NPC article to the relevant area of the transcript, and that'd be dandy. Dungy 12:34, 9 December 2010 (PST)
Excellent! I was hoping someone else would take an interest in this. Yes, hosting it here seems as sensible a place as any, since they are important research tools. In fact, I'm not sure why I didn't mirror here what's available myself. The most serious issues in doing so would be copyright, disk space and bandwidth, and I won't be losing sleep over that. The Ultra-Mind 13:43, 9 December 2010 (PST)
I know we skirt the line with a lot of this stuff. My motto is as long as we don't have game downloads or complete manual downloads hosted here we should be OK. Dungy 14:06, 9 December 2010 (PST)
I've been thinking that having articles with the specific dialogue would be great as well. I've been hugely impressed with amount of work that the writers put in the Serpent Isle dialogue, there is a lot in there. Ascencion looks puny in comparison. Incidentally does anyone know how to decompress LZC files from Savage Empire? It was the game that gave me the initial idea but I can only acess the "cinematic" text, not the dialogues which are in Talk.LZC. Artic Blaze Dragon 14:24, 9 December 2010 (PST)
Uh, Dungy, we do have complete manuals. I touched on it as an example of something I didn't have a problem w/in a forum post (I see it didn't survive the move, but it's still available on Wikia).
Well, we link to them. We don't exactly host them. :P Dungy 16:39, 9 December 2010 (PST)
Artic: Are you sure it is called LZC? Sega and I have been doing some work on unlocking LZW used for U6. (But I became encumbered with other things, and haven't the attention span for it right now) I should think SE would have used the same algorithm. The Ultra-Mind 14:41, 9 December 2010 (PST)
I've created Signs and Plaques from Ultima VII: The Black Gate to check formating. It's incomplete but I just wanted to see how it would look like. Does anyone know how we should reference a file in a wiki? I have no idea of what's the convention for doing so
Ultra: Savage Empire and Martian dreams use a slightly different format from LZW. It's probably not that difficult to decompress, for someone knowledgeable. Sadly that person is not I... Artic Blaze Dragon 14:51, 9 December 2010 (PST)

I've also created a complete scroll page for the Black Gate. I'm not to happy with it's aspect. Sub-section might make sense. Any Suggestions? Artic Blaze Dragon 16:29, 9 December 2010 (PST)

Forgotten World will eventually need to have full plot trees along with the complete dialog structure for each NPC. As we go through them, we will post our transcripts on here. It's probably the best place to host them. - Iceblade 00:30, 12 February 2012 (EST)

Sounds great!
Ultima_IX_Transcript Okay, so I've got the first NPC up. What do think of the format I've used. I tired to keep it similar to the other transcripts, but there are some notable differences given how much more complex the dialogue actually is. - Iceblade 20:38, 12 February 2012 (EST)
I think it works. At least I can fairly readily follow the conversation. That's going to be a BIG job. I tell ya, I'm burned out after doing Ultima IV, Savage Empire, Martian Dreams, and now almost finished Ultima VI.Dungy 17:49, 12 February 2012 (PST)
I think if people examine some of the NPCs from the transcript I'm posting, they will see how much there is to the dialog in the game. It's just a shame that the dialog options are so circular and the text tends to be so simplistic. Btw, excellent job on the U6 transcript. Very well done and dang are there a lot of NPCs. In fact, that page really needs a collapsible table of contents. - Iceblade Dragon 20:58, 12 February 2012 (EST)