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Wheatpin, from Ultima IV
Species: human
CollapseUltima IV
Description: meek shepherd
Location: Paws
Transcript: Wheatpin

Wheatpin is a meek shepherd living in Paws during Ultima IV.


From Barren, the Stranger could learn that the Rune of Humility was hidden in the southeastern corner of Paws. Upon scouting the area, the hero would happen upon Wheatpin, who sat calmly amidst the rocky hills. If asked about the specific location of the Rune, the shepherd would direct the Stranger to a nook in the mountains where it lay hidden.[1]


  • In the Nintendo remake of Ultima IV (where most character names were omitted and dialogue was significantly modified), Wheatpin can be identified with the shepherd in a locked room in Vesper, who gives the same information. He is actually the only character in the remake who talks about the Rune of Humility.[2]

See Also[edit]

Rune of Humility thread: RuskinNate the SnakeBarrenWheatpin
