Ultima Online Strategies & Secrets

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Ultima Online Strategies & Secrets

Ultima Online Strategies & Secrets Unofficial: The Burning Heart Guild (ISBN 978-0782121254) is a 336-page-long book written by Rusel DeMaria in 1997, published by Sybex Publishing, its original list price being $14.99.


Title: Ultima Online Strategies & Secrets
Publisher: Sybex Publishing
Author: Rusel DeMaria
Published: 1997
Original List Price: $14.99
Length: 336 pages
ISBN: 978-0782121254

The book contains countless strategies for survival, maps of all important places and in-depth information for Ultima Online, which includes all weapons, armour, magic and trading. All of these things were discovered by the players themselves, organised in the Burning Heart Guild. Since the book was created without Origin’s approval, it does not contain any screenshots from the game. Also, the information is for the original Ultima Online, so most of it is outdated by now after all the changes to the game.

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