Ultima IX: Ascension (Dragon Edition)

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Dragon Edition box

The Dragon Edition was a special edition of Ultima IX, released in 1999. It was named after the Ultima Dragons fanclub and was mainly released in the United States with only a few copies available elsewhere. Its original retail price was significantly higher than the standard game and it is now often resold for high prices on auction sites like eBay, if in good condition.

The Content[edit]

Compared to the normal edition, the following items were different or added:

Asia-Pacific Edition[edit]

For the Asian-Pacfic market, specifically Australia and New Zealand, the Dragon Edition was slightly different, apart from a slightly different box design. In this edition, the cloth map is replaced by a paper map, as these markets never got a cloth map in the first place.

Ultima IX Premium Edition[edit]

Premium Edition box

Japan also had a special Premium Edition release of Ultima IX.

Differences from the standard Japanese edition include: