Truth seeker

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Truth seeker
Truth Seeker.png
Truth seeker, from Ultima IV
Species: human
CollapseUltima IV
Description: person lost in thought
Location: Lycaeum
Transcript: Truth seeker

Four men, who referred to themselves as truth seekers could be found in the Lycaeum during Ultima IV.


The four truth seekers all hailed from different professions: one was a paladin, another a ranger, the third one a druid, and the last one a mage. Despite their differing trades, all of them could be found wandering the halls of the Keep of Truth in deep meditation, seeking insights into the principle of Truth. Should the Stranger speak to them, they would instruct the hero to sit in contemplation three times at each Shrine, meditating for one, two and three cycles on each respective visit. Only then, they claimed, would the paths of goodness reveal themselves.[1]


  1. Truth seeker. Underworld Dragon’s Ultima IV transcriptUltima IV. "health, job, meditation, truth".