Towers (Ultima II)

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A cleric approaches a tower (Ultima II)

Towers appear in Ultima II: The Revenge of the Enchantress. In this game, they function similarly to dungeons, including multiple levels, all manner of monsters and rewards.


Towers are similar in many ways to dungeons, save that the adventurer progresses upwards through the tower (as do the dangers) rather than downwards. They are known to be as tall as 15 stories. Towers were known for their oddly-placed cryptic writings. This breed of architecture disappeared with Minax.

Known Towers[edit]


Perhaps the world of evil became overcrowded, for its forces began building dungeons skyward; towers are upside down dungeons. Watch for secret messages in unlikely places.


  • The 1423 B.C. tower does hold several secrets in its maps:
    • Floor 0 reads "LORD BRIT".
    • Floor 1 reads "ULTIMA II".
    • Floor 3 reads "ZAB", likely an abbreviation of "Keith Zabalaoui".
    • Floor 8 holds a Christian cross.
    • The uppermost floor reads "EAT ME".

See Also[edit]