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Tiery, from Ultima VII
Species: human
Profession: undertaker
Ultima VII
Location: Empath Abbey

Tiery is the eccentric undertaker of the Empath Abbey graveyard in Ultima VII.


Tiery's difficulty hearing, combined with his thick accent, made communicating with the caretaker difficult, as he would frequently misinterpret things said to him, often mistaking them for accusations of sexual misconduct. With careful inquiry, however, the Avatar could determine that the aging undertaker suffered from necromania, believing the corpses to which he tended to be his friends and companions. He also mentioned that Perrin, a local scholar, had recently begun speaking to him.[1]

Speaking with Perrin, the hero could discover that the man had been making a case study of Tiery's delusions and was compiling his observations into a book entitled How Death Affects Those Who Work Around it With Regularity.[2][3]


Day 1: Subject (Tiery) seems friendly enough and willing to accept my company.

Day 2: Subject exhibiting strange sense of humor, very morbid.
Day 3: No contact with subject.
Day 4: Subject makes continual references to recent conversations with cemetery occupants.
Day 5: ...


  • The names of Tiery's "friends" all appear on headstones in the local graveyard. They include Darek ("His Days Were Numbered"), Garth ("Sorry About Thy Thumb"), Malc ("His Words Remain with Us") and Nina ("May Her Spirit Soar").
  • In the Super Nintendo release of Ultima VII, Tiery's eccentricity is greatly downplayed, with the only reference to his necromania being Perrin's book.


  1. Tiery. The Notable Ultima transcriptUltima VII. "Barry, bodies, buddies, bury, Empath Abbey, peep hole, people, 'Umpeth Abby".
  2. Perrin. How Death Affects Those Who Work Around it With Regularity (Ultima VII – in-game).
  3. PerrinThe Notable Ultima transcriptUltima VII. "Tiery".