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Tavenor, from Ultima VII
Species: emp
CollapseUltima VII
Location: Emp Village

Tavenor is one of the emps living in a village amidst the silverleaf trees in Ultima VII.


Tavenor was mistrustful of the Avatar, even after the hero had demonstrated goodwill to the emps with gifts of honey. The cautious emp believed that all humans participated in the harvesting of silverleaf trees – threatening the emps' homes. He was slow to believe the Avatar an exception, although as the hero earned his confidence, he would invite the human to change his mind, that their habitat might be left in peace.[1]

Outside of his concerns regarding the deforestation threatening his people, Tavenor would also speak of the various foods preferred by emps, revealing that he, himself, had a predilection for milk mixed with honey.[2]


Somewhere in the eastern half of the forest lives a race of monkey-like creatures I call Emps. They are pacifists who deplore killing, even to eat. My encounters with them have revealed an extreme fondness for sweets, particularly honey. I have noted within them an ability to detect the emotions of others. This empathic ability is, in fact, the root of my name for them.


  • In the SNES-port of Ultima VII, Tavenor speaks at length about the pollution humans have caused in the Deep Forest, citing it as the reason that his people's birth rate has fallen in recent years. He will ask for honey, should the Avatar possess it, but will run away once given it, without giving the hero any information regarding the wisps, as Trellek will.[3]
  • In an earlier draft of the Ultima VII's plot, Tavenor was married to Simbanor who is not present in the final version of the game.[4]


  1. Tavenor. Underworld Dragon’s Ultima VII transcriptUltima VII. "explain job, job, Silverleaf trees".
  2. Tavenor. Underworld Dragon’s Ultima VII transcriptUltima VII. "honey, food, fruits, milk, meats".
  3. OwenUltima VII SNES transcriptUltima VII. "plans".
  4. Morris, Andrew. Ultima: The Black Gate 3.0: City Plots Vesper, Moonglow, Empath Abbey/Yew. July 2, 1991.