Sleeping Soldier

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Sleeping Soldier
Sleeping Soldier.jpg
Ultima VII Part Two
Type: inn
Location: Monitor
Innkeeper: Simon

The Sleeping Soldier is an inn in Monitor. It appears in Ultima VII Part Two.


The inn is run by Simon, who was a goblin disguised as a human.[1] When his cover was blown he got killed and the inn stopped doing business.

Inn Register[edit]

Looking at the register at the Sleeping Soldier yielded the following names of previous travellers:

  • Gwenno
  • Alinda of Monitor
  • Batlin the Sage
  • Draygan
  • Peter of Monitor


I made my way to the inn and was pleased to see Simon still ran the place. He tried to get me to take a taste of his "special" ale, but I knew that old trick and politely declined. I asked if any strangers had come into town recently. He said no, but that anyone coming to town would wish to take the Test. He suggested I check with Caladin and see if anyone had inquired about taking it.


Room prices in Ultima VII Part Two are as follows:[2]

Lodging Cost
Rooms 5 Each party member
  • After killing Simon, the rooms can be used without charge, by taking the key from his body and unlocking the rooms.
