Sam (U5)

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This article is about an tavernkeeper in Ultima V. For other uses, see Sam (disambiguation).

Sam, from Ultima V: Lazarus
Species: human
CollapseUltima V: Lazarus
Location: Moonglow
Description: bartender at The Honest Meal
Ultima V
Sam (U5).png
Sam, from Ultima V
Description: bartender at The Honest Meal
Location: Moonglow

Sam is a tavernkeeper at The Honest Meal in Moonglow at the time of Ultima V.

Ultima V: Lazarus[edit]

This is an Ultima V: Lazarus-related article or section. The information within may not apply to Ultima V or other Ultima games.

Forced to work long hours thanks to Lord Stuart the Hungry's constant demands for more food, in Ultima V: Lazarus, Sam was driven to exhaustion by his grueling labor on the kitchen. He was unable to say much to the hero due to his hectic cooking. He was willing to also sell the hero a room at the inn for 40 gp.[1]

Should the hero approach Samuel while Lord Stuart the Hungry slept, the exasperated cook explained that he had agreed to fill the man's plate until he was full, as long as Lord Stuart continued to supply gold. Still, not expecting his visitor to possess such a voracious appetite, Samuel's life had taken a hectic turn, forced to spend all hours of the day and night cooking for his guest who would never be satiated. He wished he could kick that man out, but that would be dishonest after he had agreed to Lord Stuart's terms, and feared Donn Piatt would take his tongue.
