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Millie, from Ultima VII
Species: human
Ultima VII
Location: Britain

Millie is a recruiter for the Fellowship working in Britain during Ultima VII.


Much like Caroline of Trinsic, Millie's life was centered around spreading word of the Fellowship to potential recruits, a task for which she had received extensive training at the organization's Meditation Retreat. She felt that such witnessing instilled her with a special sense of purpose, and was eager to move toward more enlightened stages of being through the philosophical society, mentioning that those truly attuned to the Triad of Inner Strength could hear the whisperings of their own "inner voice".[1]

Should the Avatar have encountered Mille's concerned brother, Thad, the hero could relay his fraternal worries to her - although the giggly proselytizer was quick to dismiss his fears, insisting that her participation in the Fellowship was completely voluntary.[2]


  • Millie's pronounced feelings of special purpose become manifest should Batlin be rendered absent for a Fellowship meeting, with the low-level recruiter wondering if he intends for her to personally lead the assembly.
  • Characters such as Caroline and Millie might be seen as a commentary on people entirely in the employ of the The Church of Scientology, (a cult on which Richard Garriott based the Fellowship) such as young people who have become full-time members of the Sea Organization.


  1. Millie. Underworld Dragon’s Ultima VII transcriptUltima VII. "Fellowship, job, Meditation Retreat, voice".
  2. Millie. Underworld Dragon’s Ultima VII transcriptUltima VII. "Thad".