Lady Hayden

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Lady Hayden
Lady Hayden, from Ultima V: Lazarus
Species: human
CollapseUltima V: Lazarus
Location: Lycaeum
Description: scholar
Ultima V
Lady Hayden.png
Lady Hayden, from Ultima V
Description: scholar
Location: Lycaeum
Transcript: Lady Hayden

Lady Hayden is a young scholar at the Lycaeum in the time of Ultima V.


She told the Avatar that she enjoyed riding her horses in the forest to the south of the Lycaeum. She identified Lord R'hien as her companion, and stated the riding helped her focus on her magic and happier times.[1]

Ultima V: Lazarus[edit]

This is an Ultima V: Lazarus-related article or section. The information within may not apply to Ultima V or other Ultima games.

In Ultima V: Lazarus, Hayden was born into a family of horse-traders in Trinsic. Her work in her grandmother's stables gave her a fine appreciation of horses and a love for riding. She met a young knight named R'hien when he came looking for a new steed. Friendship between them grew, but he eventually returned to Serpent's Hold and she (when her talent was discovered by a passing mage) chose to go to the Lycaeum to study the arts of magic. They kept in contact up until the year Blackthorn's tyranny began, when R'hien (now a full member of the Order of the Silver Serpent) moved to the Lycaeum. The two wed, and remained in residence at the Keep of Truth. Because the two went riding regularly, they chanced to find Mariah, wounded by a Shadowlord, in the forest one night. The two, knowing that the Avatar’s companions were outlawed, nevertheless took Mariah to the Lycaeum for healing.[2][3]

Lady Hayden would talk at length about her horsemanship, clearly in love with the horses she cared for. She also noted that there had been a decrease in the number of mage’s venturing to the Lycaeum since the beginning of Blackthorn’s reign, with traveling having become dangerous. In the past, Lady Hayden noted that most studied magic for the pure joy of the subject, but now those who studied did for their own protection or dark purposes, learning how to kill and maim with the utterance of mere syllables.

The Avatar could find Lady Hayden's toy centaur in Trinsic and return it to her.


  • Lady Hayden's grandmother was intended to be an NPC in Ultima IV: The Dawn of Virtue, a now defunct Ultima remake. The toy centaur would have featured in a quest in Trinsic.
