Haakur Tribesmen

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Haakur Tribesmen
Haakur Tribesmen.png
Haakur Tribesmen, from Savage Empire
Species: human
CollapseSavage Empire
Location: Haakur Tribe
Transcript: Haakur Tribesmen

The Haakur Tribesmen make up the mainstay of the Haakur Tribe in Savage Empire.


The Haakur Tribesmen are amongst the least intelligent humanoids of Eodon, and don't even possess their own name. Barely capable of speech, they could merely point the Avatar towards their leader Grugorr, and express their hatred towards the Myrmidex threat.[1]


A word of warning: Grugorr and Ugyuk, compared to most other Haakur, are scintillating conversationalists.


  1. Haakur Tribesmen. Savage Empire transcriptSavage Empire. "name, job, Myrmidex, chief, Haakur".