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Greymarch, from Ultima V: Lazarus
Species: human
CollapseUltima V: Lazarus
Location: Yew
Description: fighter
Ultima V
Greymarch, from Ultima V
Description: fighter
Location: Yew
Transcript: Greymarch
Greymarch on the NES

Greymarch is a fighter who had been captured by the Oppression prior to the events of Ultima V.


The Avatar found him in the jail of Yew. He'd given up all hope, especially since he hadn't heard of his son Froed in a long time. However, when the Avatar told him that Froed was well in Skara Brae, Greymarch gained new hope and told the Avatar that the Sceptre of Lord British is very powerful and to consult Sir Simon in Bordermarch.[1]

Ultima V: Lazarus[edit]

This is an Ultima V: Lazarus-related article or section. The information within may not apply to Ultima V or other Ultima games.

In the Ultima V: Lazarus, Greymarch was born in Skara Brae, but went to live in the wildlands with his son. Eventually, they decided to go back to the cities. While in Trinsic, Greymarch tried to protect Anniel when she was attacked by a Shadowlord who wanted to take the sceptre she carried. He failed, however, and was taken prisoner by the Oppression because it was not permitted to attack a Shadowlord. His son was beaten by the guards, but he was able to flee the city with the help of a paladin Rowenie.[2][3] After witnessing the beating, Greymarch thought that Froed had died, and become depressed. If the Avatar told him that his son was alive and well in Skara Brae,[4] he became animated and sought to break out and join Froed. After being freed, Greymarch and his son vanished, looking to hide from the Oppression.[5]

After freeing Greymarch, the fighter would reveal that Anniel had carried some sort of a magical artifact that she'd hoped to bring to Sir Simon, and this is why she was waylaid by the Shadowlords. He gave the hero the location of Bordermarch, a small island to the west of the Spiritwood.
