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Gardner, from Ultima V: Lazarus
Species: human
CollapseUltima V: Lazarus
Location: Serpent's Hold
Ultima V
Gardner, from Ultima V
Location: Serpent's Hold
Transcript: Gardner
Gardner on the NES

Gardner is the keeper of the Eternal Flame of Courage in Serpent's Hold during the events of Ultima V.


The Avatar found him most of the time near the flame in the basement. Gardner said that he had to keep the flame safe from the Shadowlords, and revealed that sometimes he saw visions in it. Gardner then assisted the Avatar’s quest by having a vision that described the way to the Shard of Cowardice.[1]

Ultima V: Lazarus[edit]

This is an Ultima V: Lazarus-related article or section. The information within may not apply to Ultima V or other Ultima games.

In Ultima V: Lazarus, Gardner admitted he was originally from Skara Brae, but since coming to Serpent's Hold, he had functioned solely as the keeper of the Eternal Flame of Courage. The young knight had left Skara Brae when a knight named Sir Drinian came to the town claiming he had a vision in which he would find a young squire amongst Skara Bare's citizens. The two had travelled together for some time, and while in Minoc, Sir Drinian had learned about the blockade of Serpent's Hold, and had been determined to break the siege with a group of like-minded warriors. In the ensuing battle, Garnder was knocked unconscious and washed ashore on the Isle of Deeds, the only survivor of the ill-fated expedition. Garder admitted that he felt Skara Brae had been too quiet for his tastes when he was young, but now he sometimes envied his previous life in the small town.[2]

Gardner now chose to spend his days protecting the Flame of Courage, and pondering its mysteries. The young knight claimed that the flame infused the entirety of Britannia with the Principle of Courage, and that sometimes when the courageous stared within its depths, visions would be revealed. The flame had shown him the Avatar’s visage, and Gardner knew that the hero would arrive to seek his help. Gardner was tasked with with telling the hero that he had seen the essence of the Shadowlord Nosfentor, the Shard of Cowardice, and how it could be sought deep beneath Hythloth, beyond mountains deep beneath the earth. Even should the hero receive the shard, Gardner revealed he had seen visions of the Avatar destroying the Shadowlord, and of being slain by its power.
