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Figg, from Ultima VII
Species: human
Profession: gardener
Ultima VII
Location: Britain

Figg is the caretaker of the Royal Orchards in Britain during Ultima VII.


Having been given his duty by royal appointment, Figg was charged with tending to the trees of Lord British's estate, ensuring that they were free of disease and that their environs were clean and free of rubbish. While the grover seemed attentive to the details of his profession, the actual harvest of fruit was carried out by migrant workers from Paws, with whom Figg often clashed over methodology. Firmly entrenched in the mores of the supposedly defunct class system, the snobbish groundskeeper often spoke despairingly about the poor.[1]

Some time before the Avatar's arrival in Britannia, Figg was responsible for the jailing of Weston, an impoverished man from Paws who was seeking to buy food for his family. After the grove keeper demanded an obviously inflated and exorbitant price for the fruit, the desperate man turned to theft, stealing a single apple before Figg apprehended him and had him arrested.[2] Speaking to Weston, the Avatar could learn that Figg's attempts to sell the apples under his care were illegal, and that the grover had long been providing the local Fellowship branch with free donations in violation of kingdom law.[3] Batlin would confirm that his institution received apples from the Royal Orchards with little prompting.[4]

If the hero should seek to confront Figg about his dealings, the groundskeeper could grow irate, minimizing the significance of violating the law when acting in Weston’s favor. Should the Avatar be a visible member of the Fellowship, however, Figg would slyly hand his "brother" a free apple, hoping that the champion of virtue would keep quiet regarding his misdeeds.[5]

Should the Avatar eventually manage to obtain a pardon for Weston, Lord British would state that Figg's activities would be investigated.[6]


Prices in Ultima VII were as follows:[7]

Apple.png Apple 5
