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Fenn, from Ultima VII
Species: human
CollapseUltima VII
Location: Paws

Fenn is a beggar living in Paws, who plies for alms along the town's dirt crossroads with his companion Komor in Ultima VII.


Prior to the agricultural failures wrought by the seven year drought, Fenn was a farm labor working for the then wealthy Komor. After the drought deprived Komor of his farm, both he and Fenn became destitute, and took to sleeping in the streets and begging for charity with their friend Merrick.[1]

By the time the Avatar had the opportunity to meet Fenn, he and Komor had parted ways from Merrick, who had opted to join the Fellowship that he might be housed in their homeless shelter. This move had earned him the ire of his confederates, who viewed his capitulation to the philosophical society as a betrayal and resented his attempts to court their membership. Fenn in particular criticized the hypocrisy inherent in the Fellowship's demands that those making use of the shelter first join its organization, thereby leaving non-members to starve.[2]

Like Komor, Fenn proved grateful for any coinage which the Avatar could donate, and wished no ill will to anyone who couldn't or wouldn't give. The duo were further supported by the widow Camille, who sent them food with her son Tobias such as they might avoid starvation. Fenn was fond of the lad, and was quick to rise to his defense should he come under accusation of having stolen Morfin's silver serpent venom[3]


Feridwyn and his wife have set up a shelter for those without a home, but it is sponsored by The Fellowship, so not everyone is willing to accept its hospitality. As a matter of fact, Komor, Fenn and Merrick were once good friends until Merrick "turned coat," as they claim, and moved into the shelter.
