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Estro (Lyceaum).png
Estro, from Ultima IV
Species: human
CollapseUltima IV
Description: short druid
Location: Lycaeum
Transcript: Estro

This article is about a druid in the Lycaeum. For the innkeeper from Minoc, see Estro (Minoc).

Estro is a druid who may be found conducting research at the Lycaeum during Ultima IV. He serves to direct the Stranger towards the rune of Justice.


A short man engaged in research, Estro could be found frequenting the Lycaeum's library, where he was searching for the book of justice. He would pointedly ask if the Stranger had ever committed a crime, and would rebuke the hero upon boastfully claiming to be innocent of any misdeeds. Should the adventurer admit fallibility, however, Estro would advise meeting Talfourd of Yew.[1]


  1. Estro. Underworld Dragon’s Ultima IV transcriptUltima IV. "job, justice, research".