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Dunbar, from Ultima VI
Species: human
CollapseUltima VI
Location: New Magincia
Transcript: Dunbar
The Ultima 6 Project
Dunbar, from The Ultima 6 Project
Location: New Magincia

Dunbar is the proprietor of The Humble Palate in New Magincia.


Dunbar was a plump, jovial fellow whose humility certainly did not extend to his appetite. Dunbar told the Avatar he originally became a tavernkeeper because he felt serving others was the most humble position he could think of. Conor Starfalcon supplied all of the fish for Dunbar's establishment, and Dunbar knew a little of Conor's past, believing he used to be the leader of a powerful guild. The tavern keeper told the Avatar that this may have something to do with a strange glow he saw by Conor's house at night.[1]


But I'm getting off the subject. I mustn't fail you by forgetting to describe the local tavern — the first and most important thing any visitor to a strange town must know. It's called the Humble Palate, and I'm afraid it's not a very lively spot. The food is excellent, but Dunbar does not take much care in selecting the spirits he serves. Still, the prices aren't bad, and the service is friendly. Certain worth a visit while you're in town. Of course, I've never found a tavern that wasn't...


  1. Dunbar. Ultima VI transcriptUltima VI. "name, job, mead, rati, humi, cono, impo, expl".