Dr. Rafkin

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Dr. Rafkin
Dr. Rafkin, from Savage Empire
Species: human
CollapseSavage Empire
Location: Yolaru Tribe
Transcript: Dr. Rafkin

Professor Elliot Archimedes Rafkin is a friend of the Avatar on Earth, and the curator of a museum of natural history.


The Avatar, after numerous strange dreams, visited his friend in Savage Empire, just when the reported Jimmy Malone was waiting to interview Rafkin, in order to conduct some tests on his Orb of the Moons. However, something went gravely wrong during the test and, together with the museum laboratory, all three of them were sucked into a portal to Eodon. After the Avatar's original encounter with Darden, Rafkin was captured by the Yolaru Tribe, where he became their "schweitzer" (a play on Albert Schweitzer) by impressing the tribe with scientific tricks that made him look like he knew magic.[1]

When wanting to leave, chieftain Apaton was reluctant to let Rafkin go, until Rafkin bluffed he'd change him into a toad if not let go. In the group helping the Avatar, Dr. Rafkin was the brains, helping with the creation of various objects, including bamboo flintrock rifles and grenades, which also brought along the identification of potassium nitrate. The talented Rafkin would also direct the hero how to make long burning torches from local supplies and added general scientific observations about the village, which he found fascinating.

He also posited various theories about how the valley of Eodon came to be, which later were proven right by a Xorinite Wisp. Rafkin was also knowledgeable of the various tribes, and answered many questions about their customs.[2]

However, he decided at the end to stay on Eodon, finding it to be a fascinating place, so the Avatar had to say goodbye to his friend when leaving for home.


Rafkin has a talent with people. His enthusiasm for science is so infectious that it drags others in its wake. He can speak with an entrepreneur for half an hour, on topics which could not interest the person less -- shipwrecks off the coast of Turkey, recurrences of legends between Greeks and Aztecs, spectroscopic analyses of moon-rocks -- and walk away with a generous check, an endowment to his museum. This isn't manipulation: He never intends to come away with money. But he does, again and again.
Professor Elliot Archimedes Rafkin stayed behind in the Valley of Eodon when I left. He'd been a sort of shaman for the Yolaru, and if you want to find him in the valley, this village is the first place you should look. Talk to him about the tribes (he's learned a lot about them), and the making of rifles, grenades, and gunpowder, at which he has become very proficient.



  1. Dr. Rafkin. Savage Empire transcriptSavage Empire. "name, job, Yolaru, schweitzer".
  2. Dr. Rafkin. Savage Empire transcriptSavage Empire. "bomb, rifle, ammo, torch".

Party Members in Savage Empire
Companions TrioloDr. RafkinJimmy MaloneAielaShamuruDokrayDr. SpectorYunapotliKysstaaUgyuk