Conveyor Belt

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Deep within the Martian Power Plant, a conveyor belt is an integral part of the working of the plant.


The conveyor belt was designed to transport the coal mined by Coker to the mechanical man, Stoker, who helped feed the furnace that powered the entirety of Martian technology. When the Avatar arrived on Mars, the conveyor belt had long been broken, and the planet's technology had fallen silent since the mechanical men were not programmed to deal with the broblem. With the help of the seaman Captain Trippet, the Avatar was able to restore the belt's functionality.

The hero could use green Martian berries to communicate with the conveyor belt and thus find out how to fix the problem.


In the underground station, a mechanical man mined the coal, then placed it on a conveyor belt. The belt took the coal to a second mechanical man, who carried it to the furnaces. The furnaces were supplied with oxygen from a large room of oxium bins. They generated the electricity needed to power the whole planet. When the system broke down, for whatever reason, direct intervention was necessary.
