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Bluesword is an ancient hero on the world of Pagan. In addition to his prowess and strength, he also possessed powerful magic items, which made him into an even more powerful warrior.


I noticed that whenever adventurers of any kind gather, by the warm red firelight in Orlok's tavern or on the chill stone of the practice arena, gradually the talk turns from daily concerns to the legendary feats of bygone eras. Warriors' exploits are related, discussed and studied both by those who hunger for the fever-pitch of battles and those who are simply driven by insatiable curiosity. In due time, the talk drifts to the greatest of ancient heroes, Bluesword.

It is generally thought that his true name and family were a mystery even in his own time. He was certainly a warrior like no other. His sharp mind could devise tactics against which there was no defense, and his untiring speed and agility made him seem almost inhuman. His greatest strength, however, was that he persuaded or coerced all the greatest magic-crafters on the Great Isle to charm his armor or enspell his weapons. Those charmed tools, combined with his preternatural skills, gave him the ability to stand alone against an army, preventing their advance from the first glow of dawn to the last shimmer of twilight, when only the eerie blue glow of his sword edge could be seen weaving and dancing in the first dark. When Bluesword died, his magic armoury vanished. Some say the magic evaporated with his last breath, while others believe that he carried the tools of his trade with him to the far side of The Dark. There are still others who insist that the magic items were simply scattered and hidden. There is no certainty in mortal minds — only fuel for endless hours of talk.


  • Bluesword is only mentioned in Pentology.
  • It is unknown if Bluesword is a Pagan, a Zealan, or a legend from an earlier time.
  • One rumour is that the blue edged blade is none other than the Blade of Striking.
  • A place called Great Isle is mentioned, hinting that originally there was another isle on Pagan, instead of just Morgaelin.