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Bishop, from Ultima Underworld II
Species: human
CollapseUltima Underworld II
Location: Tarna

Bishop is a freedom fighter on the world of Tarna who plays a key role in an inter-dimensional effort to oust the Guardian from the planes on which he has influence. He appears in Ultima Underworld II.


Bishop's origins are not known in great detail, although Borne mentions that he had been raised from birth to serve as the Guardian's opponent and he himself makes mention of his extensive monastical training in the mystic arts. Whatever his past, he came to prominence as the leader of the human resistance on Tarna, opposing the goblins who had gained power there due to their alliance with the Red Titan. Using various sympathetic magical locations to communicate with denizens of other worlds, the man developed a network of allies across the planes, and was able to compile a great deal of intelligence regarding the machinations of the Guardian.[1][2]

Sometime before the Avatar's arrival on Tarna, however, Bishop was at last captured by goblin forces and was imprisoned and interrogated in the hopes of wresting information about the resistance from him. His refusal to break under torture, however, caused no shortage of stress to Borne—the commander charged with his care—and by the time the hero appeared in the prison tower, the goblins therein were fearing reprisals from the capital.

The Avatar could gain access to Bishop by playing to Borne's inability to differentiate between individual humans, and could approach his cell under the guise of an inquisitor. Should the hero be able to furnish him with a pair of fraznium gauntlets, Bishop would be able to pass the magical barrier that guarded the entryway to his cell and could thereafter engineer his escape. Before leaving, he would advise the hero briefly as to his contacts on other worlds, and would make mention of a small blackrock gem that had appeared in his cell.[3]

After being loosed from his prison, Bishop's influence would continue to impact the Avatar's attempts to destroy the Guardian's handiwork. His name could be invoked to gain the trust of the sorceress Altara on the world of Killorn Keep and he would occasionally send the hero letters through the Tarnan troll known as Garg, should he be available. In the meantime, the Xorinite wisps would seek data regarding his fate, implying in the process that he had been among their contacts prior to his capture.[4]


It falls to me, Bishop, to describe the history of my own world, Tarna, a place which has but recently felt the presence of the Guardian.


Ten years ago, I emerged from my solitary life as a disciple of the mystic arts, and assumed command of the remaining human forces. I have had some success — I allow into my force only strong young men and women, smart, brave and free of plague. I have driven the goblins back wherever I have chosen to engage them, but I am obliged to avoid confrontation with larger detachments of troops. I have also had some success in countering the Guardian's magical sendings — fortunately, he spares for this war only the tiniest part of his energies, and thus I may soon be able to stand against him on this front.


  • Bishop compiled a collection of information known as the Gems of Enlightenment, which he hoped could help potential allies across the planes in their combined fight against the Guardian. For the purposes of this work, he made contact with Fissif, Altara, Beatrice, Historian, Zoranthus and Mokpo, in addition to consulting the records of the empty Scintillus Academy.[5]
  • It is possible to kill Bishop, either as part of a conspiracy with Borne or after goading him into demanding the Avatar's fraznium gauntlets.

