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Historian, from Ultima Underworld II
Species: talorid
CollapseUltima Underworld II
Location: Talorus

The Historian is a Talorid whose function is to preserve and recount past events on Talorus. It appears in Ultima Underworld II.


Historian was one of the older denizens of Talorus, and its body had begun to exhibit the protuberances common to more aged Talorids. Having been skupped at a time when the Guardian's power over the world was less complete, Historian remembered an era in which Talorids had greater autonomy and exhibited qualities such as "love" and "beauty," and had come to conclude that its world had been been better before the Red Titan's reforms. Knowing that such dissident views were not deemed efficient, it suspected that it would soon be recycled and replaced with a Historian skupped to have opinions coinciding with those of the Guardian.

Should the Avatar come to Historian to learn of the past, the peaceful Talorid would recount what it knew and would instruct them to seek Futurian, positing that the drastic changes made to the functioning the Bliy Skup Ductosnore were the root of the problem. It would also describe the location of the original Ductosnore pattern crystal, hoping that the hero might be able to retrieve it and put it to use.

After the hero succeeded in skupping a new Ductosnore, Historian would prove exceedingly grateful, and would use its knowledge of defunct Vorz transit systems to teleport the Avatar to the location of the blackrock gem which had manifested on Talorus.[1]


I am Hiztorian. It iz my funkzion to rekall the pazt, to any who azk me of it, even ztrange alienz zuch az thyzelf, Bishop. I will tell you of Taloruz, of itz pazt, both what iz diztant in time and what haz okkurred mozt rezently.


That is myself. There are fewer and fewer Historians functioning these days - the Guardian says they do not not contribute sufficiently to efficient production to warrant their continued consumption of resources.


  • Bishop managed to contact Historian and recorded the Talorid's observations in his work, Gems of Enlightenment, which was intended to be a handbook for inter-planar revolutionaries wishing to oppose the Guardian. He found the being's thick accent somewhat hard to parse, however, and eventually dropped it from his transcript of Historian's comments.[2]
