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Andrew, from Ultima VII
Species: human
Ultima VII
Location: Paws

Andrew is the owner of the dairy of Paws in Ultima VII.


During the time of the Avatar’s explorations in the early Age of Armageddon, Andrew remained aloof in the kerfuffle of activity that arrived in Paws following the theft of silver serpent venom from the butcher, Morfin. Feridwyn describes him as happy, despite his "myriad of personal problems".[1] Andrew appeared to have sympathies for traditionalists such as Camile and her young son Tobias, and seemed content to pass his days in the operations of his business.[2]

If the Avatar undertook the investigation of the venom theft, the beggar Fenn would recommend that the hero consult Andrew, given his dairy's proximity to the slaughterhouse where the robbery occurred.[3] While the dairyman hadn't seen anything relevant to the matter at hand, he did reminisce about having known the previous owner of the establishment, recalling a locked and hidden storeroom which the kindly old man had shown him.[4] This information, if followed through to its conclusion, would ultimately reveal to the hero Morfin's ledgers, and along with them evidence of the Britannian Mining Company’s shady business practices of drugging their Gargish workers.


Prices in Ultima VII were as follows:[5]

Goods Cost
MilkU7.png Milk 3
Cheesewedge.png Cheese wedge 2
