Taming Of The Shroom
Taming Of The Shroom
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Location | Mount Greatcrag |
Given By | Belladonna in Britain |
Repeatable | Yes |
The druidess Belladonna misses her friend Druid Kama, who has travelled to Mount Greatcrag. She sends the player from Britain to find her friend and compel her to return home.
Enter Mount Greatcrag
- Find Druid Kama
Search Mount Greatcrag's caves
- Gather some Flowers
Search Mount Greatcrag's western caves
- Place the Flowers on Kama's corpse
Visit the Druids Guild in Britain
- Tell Belladonna about Kama
Belladonna: "I miss my Guild sister Kama. Things just haven't been the same around here since she left for Mount Greatcrag. She's been gone so long... I do hope nothing has happened."
You: "Perhaps I can help?"
Belladonna: "The Greatcrag is riven by wars between goblins and orcs. The goblins used magic to make feral mushroom beasts that fight for them. Kama thinks she can free the creatures from slavery and teach them to speak."
You: "Where is Mount Greatcrag?" (Story)
Belladonna: "Head west out of Britain and then north towards Yew. Mount Greatcrag lies just beside the main road."
You: "I'll see if I can find her." (Accept Quest)
Belladonna: "Thank you. If she is still alive please try to convince her to give up her silly notions of thinking mushrooms and come back to more productive pursuits."
You: "Farewell."
Spory:' "Peace Human! The Shroom-folk in this cave are not like the feral ones in the rest of Greatcrag. We are Kama-children: serene, just and enlightened. We will not fight you."
You: "Kama-children?" (Advance Quest)
Spory: "We are all fruit of the mother-mulch, Kama, the goddess who died that we might live. Her spirit is in us all, teaching us speech and the ways of peace. In her name, will you help us honour her?"
You: "Where is Kama now?" (Story)
Spory: "She is all around you. We are all of her flesh, except for the long white stones that were inside the mother mulch. Our spores could not consume them. They lie west of here, in the Cave of Birth."
You: "What happened to her?" (Story)
Spory: "The Kama came to our spore-fathers, to free them from the Goblins. Fleeing here, she called to the earth and raised walls to protect us. Then she lay down and let us grow."
You: "What do you need?" (Advance Quest)
Spory: "For months we have grown tendrils towards a flower patch to the north. We sense the Kama desires them as an offering. We know not why. Will you harvest some for the Cave of Birth west of here?"
You: "I'll fetch the flowers."
[You pick some flowers]
[You place the flowers next to Kama]
You: "I found Kama." [Explain what happened.] (Complete Quest)
Belladonna: "So she has died... and yet lives on in the minds of the Shroom-folk who grew from her body. Perhaps her hope of freeing them will come true after all. There is a strange kind of Justice in that."
You: "Farewell."
60 - Britain