Phantom Rising
Phantom Rising
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Location | Bog Spire |
Given By | Lloyd in Britain |
Repeatable | Yes |
Lloyd, near the center of Britain, seeks warriors to end the threat of phantom warriors being raised in Bog Spire.
Enter Bog Spire
- Kill 10 Skeleton Warriors
- Kill 3 Blade Phantoms
(last steps needed)
Lloyd: "The Weep seems to call enemies of Britannia out from the darkest placs. The old King of Bog Spire, Maharg, has raised an army of phantoms. We would be better off it he didn't have such a force at his disposal."
You: (text needed) (Story)
Lloyd: "Bog Spire is due east of Britain. Just follow the road and keep your nose out for the stench of the swamp."
You: (text needed) (Story)
Lloyd: "Venture east of Britain to Bog Spire and destroy as many phantoms as you can. Britannia will be better off because of it."
You: "Consider it done." (Accept Quest)
You: "I've dealth with the phantoms in Bog Spire." (Complete Quest)
Lloyd: "That's the first good news I've heard in a long while. I hope this Weep business gets cleared up soon. Too many old foes coming back to haunt us."
You: "Farewell."
15 - Britain