A Baron of a Time
A Baron of a Time
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Location | Bog Spire |
Given By | Loremaster Vedo in Britain |
Repeatable | Yes |
From outside of the Britain Mayor's house, Loremaster Vedo denounces the rising power in Bog Spire, and calls for those would would slay Baron Elyl.
Enter Bog Spire
- Defeat Baron Elyl
(last step needed)
Loremaster Vedo: "A great power has awoken in Bog Spire. A bloody Baron of times gone by rises again. You! Stranger! You look strong enough to defeat this foe. Can I count on you?"
You: "Where do I find this Baron?" (Story)
Loremaster Vedo: "He's inside Bog Spire, due east of Britain. Follow the road and you can't miss it."
You: "You've asked the right person." (Accept Quest)
Loremaster Vedo: "Splendid! Head to Bog Spire and make you way to Baron Elyl's lair. Defeat him and return to me."
You: "Consider it done."
Phantom King Maharg: "Who dares to pass through my Spire's defenses? Follow if you dare."
Phantom King Maharg: "Horrath has awoken a power he cannot control. My minions will rule Britannia!"
(Maharg summons Guard Captain Jhon.)
Baron Elyl: "Prepare to meet your doom!"
(Elyl attacks.)
Phantom King Maharg: "Persistent. Something I look for in potential minions!"
(Maharg and Advisor Phom attack.)
Advisor Phom: "It was a poor choice to raise your army here, Maharg! I will find a place more remote to raise my own."
Loremaster Vedo: "Welcome back. What of Baron Elyl's fate?"
(You have three choices:)
- "I've slain the foul Baron and ended his bloody ways." (+Honour)
- "Dead as... well he's dead again." (+Honesty)
- "I put him and rest of that tower to rest... again." (+Valour)
Loremaster Vedo: "I knew I could count on you. Britannia thanks you for your service to the realm."
You: "Farewell."
60 - Britain