Talk:The Book of Forgotten Mantras

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I'm not sure about these mantras being jokes, especially the part about Batman and Tex Avery. I'm not sure any of it should be there.--The Ultra-Mind (talk) 19:55, 9 September 2021 (UTC)

I think the Tex one is a stretch. The Batman ones seem to be a possible reference and we can group the "Zowie "- one with the other Batman ones since that was in the show too. TigerBlazer (talk) 20:59, 9 September 2021 (UTC)
I'm still seeing stretch marks. How do we know that "Biff" isn't a Back to the Future reference? And I'm pretty sure I've seen/heard "Zowie" elsewhere. Avery and Batman weren't the only examples, just 2 of the best. "Goo"? Baby's say that. Si? It's the chemical symbol for silicon. It's also French for "if", as well as Spanish. Rum is also the first syllable in "rum dum dum". And it turns out there's a technology company called "NI" from Origin's hometown. I just don't think we can know what the author was thinking.--The Ultra-Mind (talk) 21:47, 9 September 2021 (UTC)