Talk:SNES-port of Ultima VI

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Can censorship be source?[edit]

I'm a little concerned about the section on censorship. A lot of it seems to be guesswork and the line between motivations of censorship and other motivations is pretty blurry.

  1. For a start, are we certain that this is about "Nintendo of America's censorship policies at the time, since they wanted to be a family-friendly company"?
  2. A lot of the removed material (blood, some spells, horns, prohibition on attacking civilians...) could be about the size constraints spoken of earlier in the article. Several spells were removed, but only Mass Death and Armageddon are mentioned as part of censorship. "Armageddon" doesn't seem to be that triggering a word and isn't a very useful spell. Summon was removed, but not listed as a matter of censorship. Do we know it wasn't? W/out a source, I don't think we can say either way.
  3. Changing "wounded" to "points of damage" can't easily be explained as a sizing issue, but can we be certain it was for censorship?
  4. There's talk of a "black list". That sounds like something very concrete that should be sourced.

--The Ultra-Mind (talk) 19:56, 3 August 2021 (UTC)