Talk:Exodus anime

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Fake ?[edit]

The site used as the source basically admit this is fake : there's hidden text on it at the bottom of the page you can highlight which says " Tämä sivu on jälleen kerran puhdasta puppua joka on laadittu huumorimielessä. Kuvat ovat peräisin todellakin Ultimasta, japanilaisesta Super Famicon -pelikasetista, johon laadittiin lyhyt animaatiojakso pelin alkuun. Ei siinä muuta kuin että kunpa Ultima-animea olisi ollut oikeasti olemassa. Tämä oli uunotusta. Tunnustan. Jari Lehtinen."... which google translate as "This page is once again a pure bunny made with a sense of humor. The images are indeed from Ultima, a Japanese Super Famicon game cassette with a short animation period at the beginning of the game. It’s nothing more than that Kunpa Ultima anime really existed. This was extraction. I confess. Jari Lehtinen."

So this basically admits this is a whole bunch of nonsense. Indeed the idea that the creators of SLayers worked on this before they did Slayer is dubious and in all likelyhood the person who did that fake took them for that reason. So really I question whether this pages need to exist.

(Yes I'm aware Richard Garriott claimed on twitter having a "tape of the anime", but considering how long it's been it's very much possiblye he's confusing that with the tape of the japanese commercial which had some anime moments) --Sergorn (talk) 02:01, 25 January 2021 (UTC)

Hrm, good find on the Finnish site. And agreed on RG not being a reliable narrator. Let's toss out any information from the Finnish site. Here's better source about an "animated cartoon" existing but it has very little information. So we should probably limit the page to that, a link to RG's tweet and a link to the U3 commercial stating that it is speculated that they are somehow linked. -- Fenyx4 23:09, 25 January 2021 (UTC)