File talk:U7box.jpg

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New version as per Dec 11 2012[edit]

Whoa, what happened here? "The Black Gate" became larger and brighter in this version - is this a photoshop or a different version of the box cover entirely? If it's a photoshopped version, I really don't think that's appropriate. Photoshop should only be used to clean up covers, not change their proportions or anything else about the picture, in my opinion. --Warder Dragon 02:11, 11 December 2012 (PST)

It's because I re-scanned a different box and did better clean-up work this time (I became way better with it). Last time I screwed up the color balance inside the itle, which I corrected now.--Tribun 02:55, 11 December 2012 (PST)
Oh, so there were two versions of the U7 box with different text sizes? Or do I misunderstand? If so, that might be worth a mention somewhere! --Warder Dragon 02:58, 11 December 2012 (PST)

Nah, that's so minor (and consider how many different boxes with slight variations flew around in Europe) that it's not worth a mention.--Tribun 03:00, 11 December 2012 (PST)

It appears the box we're using is actually this one...
...but cleaned up and with modifications to the subtitle. I've asked Terilem if he can make a new scan and he agreed. --Warder Dragon 01:27, 13 December 2012 (PST)