Tyrone (Skara Brae)

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This article is about an innkeeper from Skara Brae. For the mage from Moonglow, see Tyrone.

Tyrone (Skara Brae).png
Tyrone, from Ultima IV
Species: human
CollapseUltima IV
Description: proprietor of The Inn of the Spirits
Location: Skara Brae

Tyrone is the proprietor of The Inn of the Spirits in Skara Brae during Ultima IV.


Tyrone was, like many innkeepers of the age, primarily concerned with the management of his business, and had little time for idle conversation. should the Stranger rent a room from him. However, Tyrone would warn the hero not to mind any strange noises that might be heard at night – referring to the ghost of Isaac which haunted the building.[1]


  • In the alleged journal of the Avatar discovered by historians Robert de Main and Carlotta Stein, Tyrone is described as a somewhat portly man, who obviously fears the spirit inhabiting his inn.[2]


  1. TyroneUnderworld Dragon’s Ultima IV transcriptUltima IV.
  2. DeMaria, Russel et al. "Ultima IV: Quest of the Avatar". Ultima: The Avatar Adventures (Ultima IV). Origin Systems, Inc.: 1992. Page 56.