Talk:Well of Souls

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Bob White trivia[edit]

I had a look at the design doc for the Catacombs of the Angry Dead and I couldn't find any mention of one of the Guardian's columns being there. Am I missing something? --Terilem 09:01, October 13, 2010 (UTC)

You're right, it's not mentionned in the design doc... but it was mentionned in the summary Bob White provided ten years ago, this is why I left it there since I wasn't sure. However since all the dungeons docs do show the Columns... it might have been a mistake in the summary I guess. So shall we remove it? --Sergorn 09:13, October 13, 2010 (UTC)
Ah yes, quite right you are. I noticed the design docs are dated from 1995, whereas Bob White's summary would have been referring to the game in its condition circa 1998. I guess that means we should leave it in, since it's more recent. --Terilem 09:28, October 13, 2010 (UTC)
Well, keep in mind that by 1998 the Bob White version had already been dropped (we were deep into the Del Castillo one) and that the project had been on hiatus since 1996 so I wouldn't be surprised if the Bob White summary was basically the summary of these same '95 design doc (as a matter of fact except for this Column issue, the plot details in the dungeons design docs seems to fit *exactly* with the plot summary). Of course there is no issue in leaving the reference, but this small contradiction is odd since I don't think they planned to have 9 Columns anyway --Sergorn 09:39, October 13, 2010 (UTC)
Good point. Eight columns do make more sense, and I'd say design docs are a more reliable source than a person's memory. --Terilem 09:47, October 13, 2010 (UTC)