Talk:Verity Isle

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Uerity Bridge vs. Verity Bridge[edit]

It's true that at first glance the runic seems to spell out Uerity Bridge, but this is in fact not the case - prior to Ultima V, U and V were the same rune. Just look at the Ultima IV reference card to see what I mean. Though the map in question appears in the Ultima V manual, it was likely drawn - from an in-game perspective - before the addition of a seperate rune for V sometime after the Avatar found the Codex. I find it extremely unlikely that this is a mistake. --Warder Dragon 02:14, 28 April 2011 (PDT)

It can't - from an in-game perspective - be before the addition of a separate rune for V since "Verity Isle" uses the 'ʌ' rune for V.
My bet is on an Origin mistake (they used the UV rune for the map, decided to add the V rune, came back and changed "Verity Isle" but didn't notice/bother with the bridge. But we aren't here to fix Origin's mistakes.
You could argue from an in-game perspective that similar mistake was made or that this is a transition period where both were freely used. RL language changes would certainly back this up although still a bit odd to see both used on the same document. But we also aren't here to speculate.
How about a compromise and we state both possibilities for the name on the page? -- Fenyx4 06:50, 28 April 2011 (PDT)