Talk:Scale of Exodus

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The game's point of confusion mirrors my own when I was a kid playing the NES Exodus; I thought Exodus was the Great Earth Serpent. You're told in the game that Exodus is just waking up, and you see this giant monster snake hanging outside an inaccessable castle that's obviously the final dungeon, but he's not doing slithering down Castle Britannia's maine street gobbling passersby or anything; ergo, he must be this giant adversary who's "just waking up." You blow the Silver Horn, and the snake disappears beneath the ocean; you put the cards on what the NES version calls the "altars," and you're informed that Exodus is "sealed deep under the ground." Eh, it made sense to me when I was playing. Oh, and apparently, this guy thought it was the snake, too. Was this a mass misconception among people who grew up with the NES version that never got resolved till ye Internet days? (On another note: according to that same guy, some of the races in the Japanese translation had different names.) RACapowski 16:20, 7 October 2011 (PDT)

Exodus is just confusing in general. As somebody who played through the PC version, I looked at the box and thought I was going to get to fight a wicked cool demon thing with my assortment of totally kick-ass spells involving owl-sacrifice and chanting the name of unspeakable abominations and such. Then I get to Castle Death and the floor attacks me and Exodus is a wimpy vacuum tube computer that puts up no struggle while I punch card it to death. I eventually came up with some elaborate head-canon to reconcile this disconnect.--Blu3vib3 17:22, 7 October 2011 (PDT)