Soul Cage
The Soul Cage, when treated correctly, is essential to trap Horance the liche. This item only appears in Ultima VII.
The Soul Cage was invented by Mordra in order to trap the liche in Horance, so that the liche potion could destroy him without any problem. However, Trent, the blacksmith of Skara Brae, died in the fire that consumed Skara Brae before he could finish it. His ghost continued the work quite fruitlessly due to the rage he felt over the loss of his wife Rowena, until the Avatar helped him overcome his rage by showing him Rowena's ring. Still, the cage needed an iron bar the Avatar had to give the blacksmith.
Once the cage was finished, it was bathed in the Well of Souls, so that the spirits could give it power. Now that it was empowered, it was ready to be used on Horance during the "Black Service". It was destroyed after the potion took effect, dissolving into dust.
“ | Poor Trent does nothing but repeat the same task he was engaged in when the fire struck — building the cage necessary to trap the liche. Tis doubtful he is even aware of his death. He just continues to hammer away at the cage. – from Key to the Black Gate (Ultima VII)
- One of the difficulties players encounter is to pour the potion over Horance, not the cage. This actually is more difficult than it sounds and one should find the right spot beforehand.
- The scene with the Soul Cage was depited in an illustration in Quest for Clues: The Manual of Swords. The illustration in question is seen at the top right of this article.