Sir Pendaran

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Sir Pendaran
Sir Pendaran, from Ultima VII
Species: human
CollapseUltima VII
Location: Serpent's Hold

Sir Pendaran is a knight of Serpent's Hold at the time of Ultima VII.


Should the Avatar speak to Pendaran, it would be revealed that he bore a deep-seated resentment about the inadequacies of Britannia's government, feeling that Lord British and the Great Council had been failing to protect the interests of the populace for some time. Discontented with the ruling parties of the realm, he had joined with the Fellowship, and was hopeful that the organization could help to provide the security the government did not.[1]

Should the hero be investigating an incident in which a statue of Lord British had been been vandalized in the keep's commons, the trail of evidence could eventually be followed back to Pendaran's beloved, the Lady Jehanne, who would tearfully confess that her lord was the culprit. When confronted, Pendaran would initially be angry, berating the hero for trusting the word of a woman, but would eventually come to admit his guilt and would vow to do penance for it.[2][3]


In the hold proper reside the rest of us: myself; Lady Leigh, the healer; Sir Horffe, the captain of the guard; Sir Pendaran and his lady, the lovely Jehanne, who spends her time trading provisions to fill Serpent's Hold's needs.


  • Sir Pendaran's real world counterpart is Ultima VII designer, Brian Martin, and Lady Jehanne is based on his wife, Pam.[4] The two respectively participate as Pendaran Glamorgan and Jehanne d'Avignon in the Society for Creative Anachronism's barony of Bryn Gwlad,[5] where Richard Garriott has been known to assume the persona of Shamino Sallé Dacil.
  • In the SNES-port of Ultima VII, Pendaran will prove immediately contrite upon being confronted with his crime, and will promise not only to repair the statue, but to look after it for the rest of his life as though it were his own.[6]


  1. Sir Pendaran. Underworld Dragon’s Ultima VII transcriptUltima VII. "Fellowship, job, protect, ruling faction, soft".
  2. Lady JehanneUnderworld Dragon’s Ultima VII transcriptUltima VII. "commons".
  3. Sir Pendaran. Underworld Dragon’s Ultima VII transcriptUltima VII. "Lady Jehanne, no need, statue, Thou didst do it!, 'tis best".
  4.  Ultima VII: The Black Gate - Characters List. August 5, 1991. Page 8.
  5.  “Pendaran Glamorgan”. Ansteorran Bardic Guild. Retrieved 2012-08-24.
  6. Sir Pendaran. Ultima VII SNES transcriptUltima VII. "repair, truth".