Shattered Skull

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Shattered Skull
CollapseUltima VIII
Type: inn & tavern
Location: Tenebrae
Proprietor: Orlok

The Shattered Skull is a tavern in western Tenebrae. It appears in Ultima VIII.


The tavern is owned and operated by Orlok and employs Jenna as a barmaid. The building used to be a derelict torax barn and Orlok bought it with money he had embezzled in his previous job as an exchequer. After transforming the building into a tavern, Orlok worked to cultivate a colorful persona befitting a barkeep, and over time crafted an elaborate fictitious past for himself in which he was a pirate and adventurer.

Being the only establishment of this sort in the whole city, it held a monopoly on food and drinks and was the center of social life for the poorer people of Tenebrae - therefore everyone living in the western part of the city. Besides food and drink, one could engage in a game of darts or listen to Orlok's fabricated stories.


Fresh fish and vegatables can be purchased at the tavern. Quality refreshment is available at the tavern, where herdsmen bring torax chops and kith fillets.


Prices in Ultima VIII are as follows:

FishU8.png Fish 1
Toraxjerky.png Toraxen jerky 3
Kithfilet.png Kith filet 8
BreadU8.png Bread 1
MushroomU8.png Mushroom 1
PotatoU8.png Tuber 1
Toraxcheese.png Toraxen cheese 1
Jenna Orlok
Tenebraeale.png Tenebraen Ale 1 2
Blackwine.png Blackwine 3 3
Hurricane.png Hurricane 2 2
Breathspirit.png Breath o' Spirit 2 2
Clovenhoof.png Cloven Hoof 5 5


  • It is possible to anger Jenna so that she'll deny any further service, thus cutting off one food source.