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Rayburt, from Ultima VII
Species: human
Profession: trainer
CollapseUltima VII
Location: Cove

Rayburt is a fighting trainer in Cove in Ultima VII.


An enigmatic and intense warrior, Rayburt believed that the art of meditation was essential to victory in combat, stating that all battles are first fought in the mind. Accompanied by his faithful and equally meditative dog, Regal, Rayburt offered his services as a martial trainer, instructing his students on breathing and relaxation techniques before sparring with them.[1]

If the Avatar learned of his romance with Pamela from Lord Heather, the solemn fighter would smile upon mention of her, quietly stating that she and him were "one person."[2]


The most recent illustration of our fine city’s natural inclinations is provided by our trainer, Rayburt, and Pamela, who have become quite taken with each other (though I do not think his dog shares his feelings for her).


Rayburt offered the following training services:[3]

Points Training Result Cost
3 +1 DEX +1 STR +1 Combat 60



  1. Rayburt. Underworld Dragon’s Ultima VII transcriptUltima VII. "job, meditation, Regal, train".
  2. Rayburt. Underworld Dragon’s Ultima VII transcriptUltima VII. "Pamela".
  3. Morris, Andrew P. Ultima VII Clue Book (Ultima VII). Origin Systems, Inc.: 1992. Page 51.
  4. Randolph, Bill. Ultima: The Black Gate - Characters List. July 2, 1991.