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Porshon, from The Ultima 6 Project
Species: fuzzy
The Ultima 6 Project
Location: Deep Forest
Description: Fuzzy

This is an Ultima 6 Project-related NPC article or section. The information within may not apply to Ultima VI or other Ultima games.

Porshon is the leader of the fuzzy race in The Ultima 6 Project.


The wise leader of the fuzzy people, Porshon was able to telepathically communicate with the hero without the need for speech. He told the hero that he was highly respect amongst the fuzzies, and most followed his wisdom, even Flizzbomb. Porshon felt that Flizzbomb was a wise fuzzy, and that he would someday be a powerful mage and leader of his people.

Exceedingly old, Porshon told the hero he had been born shortly after the fall of The Destroyer, Exodus. In those days, the fuzzies had been numerous, and had lived alongside the humans and other races in the Big World. With the fall of Exodus, his people lost their link to nature, and began to decline in number. They were only saved by the appearance of the Helpful Lights, the wisps, who helped restore the lost connection for the fuzzy people. The wisps taught the fuzzies about the Silver Petal trees, or silverleaf, and how to cultivate and care for the trees, which provided a home and a future for their race. When the fuzzies moved to the Deep Forest, they had left some of their saplings behind in Spiritwood, and Porshon begged the hero to talk to Flizzbomb about returning these to them. After returning the saplings to Flizzbomb, Porshon rewarded the hero with five silverleaf petals.