Perpetual motion machine
The perpetual motion machine is a non-functional contraption displayed in the Royal Museum in Ultima VI. Consisting of various wheels and poles, the machine is presented as a device that maintains constant motion without any external energy input.
The perpetual motion machine is a complex-looking device composed of several interconnected wheels, gears, and poles. It is displayed within the Royal Museum, as a marvel of engineering or scientific ingenuity. The museum’s curator, Kytyn, points out the paradoxical nature of the machine, noting the interconnected gears and expressing her confusion about how it could have been started, as the gears appear mutually dependent on each other for motion. She also observes that the motion of the gears appears to be essential to the machine's structural integrity.
- The machine is a reference to the real-world concept of perpetual motion, which violates the laws of thermodynamics.