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Nema, from Ultima VI
Species: human
CollapseUltima VI
Location: Britain
Transcript: Nema
The Ultima 6 Project
Nema, from The Ultima 6 Project
Location: Britain

Nema is Lord British's orchard keeper in Britain in Ultima VI.


Nema was a perplexing young woman who seemed to live her life in a dream world. Her parents had been killed in an earthquake a few years prior, leaving her a homeless orphan. She was thankful to Lord British for providing her employment tending the Royal Orchard, and supplied fresh fruit for all the royal banquets

When the Avatar met Nema the season was not right for apples, so she had taken to sleeping and dreaming all of the day. She wished to stay in this world of dreams, and sleep throughout all the day. She told the Avatar about her dreams and fantasies, dreaming of Morpheus the King of Slumberland and his daughter the moon. Her dreams were of colors brighter than the day, and she talked of the answers she dreamed to the questions that came while awake. Her dreams were full of fantasies of dragons, rivers that ran backwards, castles of ice, and giant forests. The companions of the Avatar found her dreams to be most disconcerting and thought Nema should be committed.[1]


You might wish to go visit Nema out in the royal orchards as well. She’s a cute one.


  1. Nema. Ultima VI transcriptUltima VI. "name, job, tend, prov, lord, home, para, dayd, nap, morp, slum, fear, moon, slee, wake, world, prob".