Farmer Nash

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Farmer Nash
Farmer Nash.GIF
Farmer Nash, from Ultima VI
Species: gargoyle
CollapseUltima VI
Location: Realm of the Gargoyles
Transcript: Farmer Nash
The Ultima 6 Project
Farmer Nash, from The Ultima 6 Project
Location: Realm of the Gargoyles

Nash is a farmer in the Realm of the Gargoyles in Ultima VI.


Nash was a kind hearted gargoyle who was responsible for leading a group of wingless gargoyles in their farming tasks. Nash told the Avatar that he often had to work hard because he treated the wingless leniently, so more work was required of him. He admitted that his fields were not as productive as Farmer Krill's, but he did not believe in treating the wingless as inferior despite their limited intelligence. Despite his kind nature, if the Avatar had not submitted to Lord Draxinusom, Nash and his wingless would immediately attack.[1]

The Ultima 6 Project[edit]

This is an Ultima 6 Project-related NPC article or section. The information within may not apply to Ultima VI or other Ultima games.

In The Ultima 6 Project, Nash noted that many Gargoyles looked down upon wingless children, and felt it a great tragedy to sire them. Nash felt that even the wingless were a great gift to any family, and was proud of his child and their great accomplishment of joining the Gargoyle army. Missing his son, he offered the hero food and lodging at his home.

The farmer felt it sad the wingless were not allowed to speak, and that education for the less intelligent gargoyles was considered a waste. It was a great embarrassment that they were required to perform the tasks considered too menial by the winged, like farming. Nash felt the wingless worked diligently and with care at their farming tasks, and supplied the entire race with food, and that the winged had much to learn from their hard work.


  • Should the Avatar speak to Nash without having learned Gargish, he will say, "An-bal-sil-fer! Des lem, Klep lem!" This translates roughly to "False Prophet! Workers, a thief!"


  1. Farmer Nash. Ultima VI transcriptUltima VI. "name, job, lead, wing, harv, kril".