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Magenta, from Ultima VII
Species: human
CollapseUltima VII
Location: New Magincia

Magenta is the mayor of New Magincia in Ultima VII


Magenta inherited the position of mayor from her father, who held the title until he passed away. She served as administrator of the small hamlet for sometime afterward, with nobody challenging her for the office. Although the actual political management of New Magincia took very little actual work, Magenta nevertheless took her position seriously, and did her best to tend to the needs of the populace.[1][2]

Her husband, Boris, who owned the Modest Damsel, had been habitually unfaithful to her in the past, although she loved him genuinely in spite of his philandering. When she found a locket secreted away in Boris' safe box, she assumed that it was a gift intended for her, and took it, pleased that her spouse seemed to be working toward improving their marital relations. Should the Avatar have learned of this particular locket from Henry,[3] however, the hero would know it to be stolen, and could alert Magenta of this fact. Confronted with the truth about the bauble, she charged the Avatar with finding its rightful owner and returning it, insinuating that she would deal with her errant husband shortly.[4]


I would expect even thy return has stirred up talk at Boris and Magenta's. Newcomers to New Magincia always have that effect. Thou mayest wish to patronize their tavern when I have finished answering thy questions. With luck, thou canst explain this information-gathering affair to them before the rumors start flying.


  • When explaining to Magenta the origins of the locket, the Avatar may opt to insinuate that Boris has purchased it for his latest extramarital paramour, which will result in Magenta vowing to beat the truth out of her unfaithful spouse.[5]


  1. BorisUnderworld Dragon’s Ultima VII transcriptUltima VII. "Magenta".
  2. Magenta. Underworld Dragon’s Ultima VII transcriptUltima VII. "administration, job, Mayor, New Magincia".
  3. HenryUnderworld Dragon’s Ultima VII transcriptUltima VII. "broken heart, locket, lost, mistake".
  4. Magenta. Underworld Dragon’s Ultima VII transcriptUltima VII. "Boris, carousing, Constance, don't know how, found, locket, romantic, stolen, surprise".
  5. Magenta. Underworld Dragon’s Ultima VII transcriptUltima VII. "don't know who".