Jukari Tribesmen

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Jukari Tribesmen
Jukari Tribesmen.png
Jukari Tribesmen, from Savage Empire
Species: human
CollapseSavage Empire
Location: Jukari Tribe
Transcript: Jukari Tribesmen

The Jukari Tribesmen are the mainstay of the Jukari Tribe in Savage Empire.


They were primarily interested in the constant warfare between themselves and the Haakur Tribe who lived in caves to the northeast. They further told the Avatar about the recent loss of their leader, Kumaru, and how his son Jumu had only been chief for a short time. They would also talk about the lava and sulphur pits that were so close to their home.[1]


  1. Jukari Tribesmen. Savage Empire transcriptSavage Empire. "name, job, lava, sulphur, Haakur, tribe".