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Freemis, from Ultima Underworld II
Species: goblin
CollapseUltima Underworld II
Location: Tarna

Freemis is a goblin guard stationed at a prison tower in Tarna. He appears in Ultima Underworld II.


Freemis was a cruel and sadistic goblin, with a deeply ingrained hatred of the human race which had been exacerbated by the loss of his lover during the various conflicts which wracked the realm of Tarna. Prior to the Avatar's arrival on his world, he had led a small company in the war against the northern kingdom of Fyrna, and had captured their Prince, Felix. Wishing to humiliate the noble, Freemis reduced him to a lowly slave and perniciously removed the tongue of his cherished retainer, Marcus.

If spoken to, Freemis would treat the Avatar with the same contempt he showed all other humans, and conversations with him could quickly escalate into a brawl should the hero react poorly to his baiting.


This is the goblin barracks. It contains little of value, and a lone human venturing inside would only become the target of racial abuse. One guard in particular, Freemis, takes a particular joy in abusing human prisoners.


  • If the Avatar befriends Felix, the fallen prince will ask the hero to kill Freemis on his behalf. This may be accomplished either by attacking the goblin personally or by releasing the troll known as Garg from his cell. Once Freemis is dead, Felix will reward the hero with a magical cornucopia which generates food.