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Fitch, from Ultima VII Part Two
Species: human
CollapseUltima VII Part Two

Fitch is one of Hazard's trappers, who has already met a violent end when he is encountered during the events of Ultima VII Part Two.


After being ambushed with the other trappers by the possessed Gwenno, the Wantoness Bane in her caused heavy casualties before they managed to slay the woman, letting loose the spirit of Chaos to be caught elsewhere by Batlin. Fitch managed to hold out for some time before finally succumbing to his grievous wounds. In his dying moments, he was found by the Avatar at the exit of the tunnels to the Ice Plains of Serpent Isle. With his last breath, he told the hero of the "horrible sorceress" before passing away.

The battle scene Fitch described was discovered in short order by the Avatar, mere steps away from the trapper's final resting place.


  • Fitch's battered visage is that of Ultima VII Part Two composer and foley artist, Marc Schaefgen.
  • If you try to cast a healing spell on Fitch before he succumbs to his wounds, he will stand up, walk to you, and talk, yet he will die at the end of the conversation. So much for healing magic!
